Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mission Possible

Our church held a mission work day on Saturday, and I was responsible for directing an activity for the children. I planned to make a simple craft with the kids and deliver them to a local nursing home. So... on Friday afternoon, I enlisted grandson Matthew's help to test out the project.

Here are the supplies we used.

The chick went together quickly. He glued on the eyes and beak, and we taped the feathers to the back of the cup.

For the bunny, he glued the pink centers to the white ears.

I cut whiskers out of white card stock. Gluing the whiskers, then the pink pom nose, was the trickiest part. I told him to count to ten while he held the nose. Not to be confused with holding his nose.

We taped the ears on, and added some Easter grass to finish the project.

On Saturday, we gathered at church for a breakfast to kickoff the work day. Some teams went out into the community, and others worked on projects at the church. We had a great team of three for our project. We worked assembly line style by doing all the eyes first, then the noses, and last the ears and feathers.

Adding grass to the cups was the fun (and messy!) part.

We finished over 50 cups!

It takes teamwork to wrangle the grass into the cups.

Then it was time to add some candy. E handles the peppermints.

Gabby adds some chocolate eggs,

and helps little brother J put some eggs in the cups too.

We were joined at the nursing home by a couple more little ones to help distribute the baskets. After sharing the Easter treats and some sweet smiles with the residents, we headed back to the church for a delicious lunch with the other teams. It was a successful day of serving and sharing in our community.

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