Thursday, September 25, 2014

Faith for the Harvest #TBTStories

In honor of the start of harvest this week, my Throwback Thursday Stories #TBTStories post today features a photo from the fall of 1988. David was almost 6, Jonathan 1, Jennifer almost 3, and Andrew 4. Seed corn was harvested on the ear and brought to the lot beside the barn. The red wagons filled with yellow corn against that bright blue autumn sky just begged for a photo atop the pile.
I love looking at this picture, because it brings back memories of little smiling faces, the vivid colors of the day, and the feel of fall in the air. The sweet smelling breeze filled with the dust of corn, or 'bees wings', swirls through the sky and pulls you right up to the edge of autumn. The sound of the dryer rattles day and night, as does the drone of the combine in a field nearby, making haste toward the timely completion of the harvest.

Dear God, just now I ask your blessing on the season of harvest which is upon us. I pray for safety in the fields, on the roads, in daylight, and in darkness for those who labor diligently on farms nearby and across the land. Give us grateful hearts for every opportunity, and for the abundance with which we are blessed. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:7

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