Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Grace for the Hodgepodge

I have been absent from the Wednesday Hodgepodge for too many weeks, and I was determined to be a participant today. It seems like sometimes the schedule is too tight, the questions too hard, or the motivation too weak, so I write myself a pass. Today, I'm here in an effort to get back to blogging, to exercise the grey matter, and to connect with my friends all over the world wide web. Thanks to Joyce for being faithful to the HP each and every week, and for showing grace to those of us who are a little random in our participation. Joyce, you rock! Be sure to click on the button below to visit Joyce and the others. And if you're a blogger, please join in the Hodgepodge fun!
Here we go with her questions and my answers:

1. When is your next big deadline? What's it for?

We have deadlines for Show Grace, like this recently finished vest, which will be shipped out soon. One of our clients will ride these sparkles into the horse show pen hoping to catch the eye of the judge.
2. May is National Barbecue Month. Do you prefer cooking indoors or out? What's the best thing about a barbecue? What's the last thing you cooked on an outdoor grill?

I'm not much of a cook, and when we do cook outdoors, my husband is usually the one to do it. So that's what I prefer. :) Not that I can't, but it usually falls to him (or one of the boys). We grill outdoors all year long, even in winter. Best thing about it? The way it tastes, of course. The last thing we grilled was probably juicy steak. Beef. It's what's for dinner. :)

3. What is one thing on your "never again" list?

I have learned that a wise woman never says never. That being said, many years ago, we received a 2-night stay at a resort in exchange for listening to their time-share sales presentation. I never plan to do that again. :)

4. What's something that annoys you about people your own age? Something you love about your generation?

I guess I might get annoyed when people 'my age' think they're 'too old' to learn something new.
I do love that people 'my age' have lived and learned enough to have a better idea of what's really important. The best things in life aren't things.

5. Lilac, iris, hyacinth, pansy...your favorite purple flower?

Lilac. We have a bush in the front yard that we planted the year Jennifer was born. She'll be 30 this year. I love to bring them in the house for the color and the smellllll. Mmmmm.

6. Whats a song that always calms you down?

Great is Thy Faithfulness by Todd Smith of Selah. 
Selah, Todd, and his darling wife, our friend Angie Smith, were on the cruise we took in 2014. This song is one of my favorites.

Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,

Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

7. What's the last thing you donated?

I try to make stops at Goodwill when I have managed to clean out a closet or cabinet. Lord knows that job could take the rest of my days! We recently gave away a futon, and we also cleaned a bit at the lake house last weekend. A few things will be give to the church near the lake, for their garage sale, and a few more things were 'donated' to our son, the new homeowner. :) He has, in fact, been the recipient of several items generously donated to him, and for which he is most grateful. The items include a stove, a lawn mower, a recliner, a gas grill, a microwave, kitchen supplies, a refrigerator, and several pieces of furniture. What a blessing it has been for him to receive such generous gifts! It is by giving and receiving that we learn about love and compassion, and as we are able, to pay it forward in a cycle of generosity.
"For everyone to whom much is given, 
 from him much will be required."
Luke 12:48 (NKJV)

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Will you please pray for my friend Ruthann? She is the one in the turquoise sweater with our group that went cruisin' with Sandi in February 1014. She had finished chemo by then, and it was a blessing to spend a week away with friends.
Her cancer has returned, and she will be having surgery today. Please pray for Ruthann, her family, her doctors, and for her healing. Her faith is strong, and we know that God blesses us with grace upon grace.
Through her journey, Ruthann has been strengthened and comforted through music, especially her favorite Gaither Vocal Band. Here is a video posted as a prayer for her today.
Praise oh praise Him, praise the glory
Of this lavish grace so full
Lift your souls now and receive
The Glorious Impossible.


Joyce said...

Its nice to see you here today. I'm so sorry your friend Is facing more surgery and treatment. I will pray she is not discouraged and of course for healing.

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

So sorry your friend has been faced with that hated 'C' word-prayers for surgery to go smoothly and a quick recovery.

Wendy said...

Dropping in from the hodgepodge. Wise words about never saying never. Sorry to hear about your friend.