Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Super-Dee-Duper Hodgepodge

It's Wednesday, so I thought I would see if I could put together some answers for Joyce's famous Wednesday Hodgepodge questions. She asks the questions, and we do our best to answer them, linking back to her blog to share the fun. Click on the button below to visit Joyce, and the other WH participants.

And now, her thought provoking questions, and my answers. 

1. Expect the unexpected on From This Side of the Pond. Here's my x-ray question...when was the last time you felt like Superman? What's your superpower? Explain.

Unexpected indeed. I thought an x-ray question would have to do with broken bones, and raising five kids definitely provided multiple opportunities for broken bone stories!

But back to the actual question. The last time I felt like Superman? At the Superdome, of course. It's always SUPER at the Superdome! Who Dat!

Not sure I have a superpower, but I am an enthusiastic superfan, ever grateful, ever true to my Boilermakers (Boiler Up!), and to my Saints (Who Dat!).

2. Are you a fan of the 'superhero' type movies? If so what's your favorite? 

I am not a huge fan of 'superhero' movies, and I can't think of many I have even watched.

I have watched this one though, so it is my favorite.

You just gotta love a superhero family. And gems like this:

3. Have you postponed or cancelled a trip to the dentist in recent weeks, and if so when do you think you'll feel comfortable going back? How about other routine medical procedures?

No dentist appointments scheduled, so none cancelled. And I'm never comfortable going to the dentist. Or the doctor for that matter. I pretty much avoid it if at all possible. 

4. What's something that makes you feel youthful? Something that makes you feel 'not so youthful'? Tell us why.

What makes me feel youthful? My grandchildren? A Zoom call with my high school friends? We haven't changed a bit! Lol. 

Not so youthful? I don't know? My grandchildren? Getting up in the morning? Lol.

5. I feel compelled to include some sort of corona related question in the HP these days. What's the strangest thing you've seen in relation to the virus? Something that really struck you as odd, made you stop and think, 'Dorothy we're not in Kansas anymore?'

I'm not going out, so I haven't really seen anything strange in person, but seeing the empty streets of New York and New Orleans is definitely eerie and strange. Will we get back to busy crowded streets again?

Angels Weiss/AFP-Getty Images

Chris Graythen/Getty Images

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

My friend Katie Peslis is a wonderful singer who has recorded a Karen Carpenter tribute album that is just fabulous. If you are a fan of the Carpenters, you will definitely want to check it out. She can also sing like any Disney princess you've ever heard. Katie has been doing 'Quarantunes' each day during this COVID-19 pandemic, and posting them on Facebook and Instagram. I love them all, but a recent favorite is here, on the 'Top of the World'. She has the voice of an angel, and besides that, she is adorable. 

Have a great Wednesday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

So Ya Gotta Hodgepodge 'Til Tomorrow

Back in my old blogging days, I regularly participated in Joyce's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Joyce took a break from the Hodgepodge for a bit, and recently brought it back for both her old and some new participants. It's always fun to answer the questions, and share our posts. While I'm very rusty at this blogging thing these days, I thought I would give it a go today. Thanks Joyce for bringing us together!

Here are her questions and my answers:

1. In Monday’s post I mentioned I would incorporate the word I was given for letter K into this week’s questions. That word was karaoke. On a scale of 1-10 how excited would you be to find out there was karaoke happening at your next gathering/outing with friends? 10=gimme that microphone!, and 1=I suddenly remembered there’s somewhere else I need to be. Have you ever actually done karaoke? If you had to perform karaoke what would be your ‘go-to’song?

I'm not sure I would do it in a public forum, but possibly with family and friends, so my number would probably be a 5. My friends and I did a lot of singing in our rooms back in our college days, which sometimes included standing on a chair with a curling iron microphone, but I don't think that officially counts as karaoke. (I don't think there was even such a thing as karaoke back then. I know, I'm old.)
One of my 'go-to' songs back then was Tomorrow, from the musical Annie. I think it's a good song for today since we are all hoping the sun will come out. Tomorrow.

2. How do you listen to music these days? Favorite app or do you listen the old fashioned way? Do you have music playing often in your home? Is there still a CD player in your car?

I use my phone for music, and sometimes Alexa. I do still have a CD player in my car, and I do still use it occasionally. I know, I'm old.

3. The HP lands on US tax day this year. Or what used to be tax day before everything including filing your taxes was cancelled, delayed, postponed or extended. FYI- filing your taxes has not been cancelled, only delayed for a bit.

Besides staying away from anyone and everyone, what have you found taxing lately?

Too much news. Too little sports.

4. You’re without power so no oven, and you can’t open your frig or freezer in order to keep what’s in there from spoiling. And you don’t have access to take out. What will you make us for dinner?

Peanut butter and banana sandwich? Chips?

5.  I’ve seen this exercise going around Facebook and thought it would be a good one to include in the HP...what are five things everybody seems to love and go crazy for that you personally don’t care for?

To each his own, but here are mine:

Netflix binge watching
Hallmark movies
It's a Wonderful Life

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

I know that grocery shopping in the time of COVID-19 might be taxing for some. I, however, have discovered the miracle of grocery pick-up, and I may never go inside a grocery store again. We only have a few grocery options in our little town, and the one nearest to my home is Wal Mart. I have been so pleased with the ease of ordering, the check-in, and the pick-up process. I have been getting groceries for both my parents and myself, and it has made things so easy. I check in on my phone when I leave home, and the associate is literally waiting for me when I pull into the pick up spot. I open the back of the vehicle, the groceries are loaded, I thank them profusely, and I'm on my way. Safe and efficient.

Have a safe day, friends.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The COVID That Didn't Steal Easter

Holy Week. 2020.
I'm dusting off the old blog to do a little documentation of the historic events (actually no events) our world is experiencing right now.

In the midst of a global pandemic, our lives look very different from the way we have lived prior to this serious health crisis. Social distancing, quarantine, no gathering of people, no church services, no school, no public funerals, no theater, no concerts, no sporting events.
Everything is canceled.

We won't be gathering in churches for Easter, with legions of lilies, choirs and cantatas, or singing songs in our Sunday best. Instead, we will worship online, in our homes, with those in our own households. 

But this COVID-19 virus can't stop Easter from coming. 
It will come, as it does, with the promise of of eternal life 
for those who serve a living Savior. 
He lives!

I put together a little poem to remind us that even in these dark, uncertain days, Jesus is alive and God is still with us.

How the COVID Didn’t Steal Easter
(With apology and respect to the great Dr. Seuss)

All the people of Christ, we loved Easter a lot,
But a bad COVID virus, it seems, sure did not.
The virus infected our folks far and near,
And required social distance when Easter was here.

Some thought that Easter would be canceled too,
But the people of Christ, we knew just what to do.
We made some new plans, and we thought and we thought.
Easter would not be canceled, it would not!

But what could we do to keep COVID at bay,
And still praise our Savior on this Easter Day?
Because one of the things that we love is our people
Who worship together there under our steeple.

And some of us couldn’t get out to the store
To buy all the things that we’ve come to adore
For Easter traditions with families and treats.
Would Easter without these things seem incomplete?

But COVID cannot stop the Easter sunrise,
And despite what they say, Jesus Christ, He will rise!
COVID can’t stop it, no matter the claim
Because Easter will come, it will come just the same.

And COVID, with germ cells just itching to grow
Left some people thinking, how could it be so?
It comes without bunnies! It comes without jellies!
It comes without chocolate to put in our bellies!

It comes without egg hunts! It comes without ham!
It comes without gathering with the whole fam!
And even when we’re not together to sing
In our church building, we still remember one thing.

That Easter, we know, doesn’t come from a store,
That Easter, of course, means a little bit more.
And what happened then? Well, the people, they say,
Found new ways to celebrate on Easter Day.

They gathered on laptops, on cell phones, and such,
They heard the old story that blessed them so much.
Of Jesus who died on that cross in that place
To wash us from sin and to gift us with grace.

So we sing Alleluia from near and from far,
Knowing Jesus is with us wherever we are.
And because of His gift we have all that we need.
Christ is risen today, He is risen indeed!

(A couple of vintage Easter photos for your enjoyment.)

He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way.
He lives! He lives! Salvation to impart!
You asked me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.