Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The COVID That Didn't Steal Easter

Holy Week. 2020.
I'm dusting off the old blog to do a little documentation of the historic events (actually no events) our world is experiencing right now.

In the midst of a global pandemic, our lives look very different from the way we have lived prior to this serious health crisis. Social distancing, quarantine, no gathering of people, no church services, no school, no public funerals, no theater, no concerts, no sporting events.
Everything is canceled.

We won't be gathering in churches for Easter, with legions of lilies, choirs and cantatas, or singing songs in our Sunday best. Instead, we will worship online, in our homes, with those in our own households. 

But this COVID-19 virus can't stop Easter from coming. 
It will come, as it does, with the promise of of eternal life 
for those who serve a living Savior. 
He lives!

I put together a little poem to remind us that even in these dark, uncertain days, Jesus is alive and God is still with us.

How the COVID Didn’t Steal Easter
(With apology and respect to the great Dr. Seuss)

All the people of Christ, we loved Easter a lot,
But a bad COVID virus, it seems, sure did not.
The virus infected our folks far and near,
And required social distance when Easter was here.

Some thought that Easter would be canceled too,
But the people of Christ, we knew just what to do.
We made some new plans, and we thought and we thought.
Easter would not be canceled, it would not!

But what could we do to keep COVID at bay,
And still praise our Savior on this Easter Day?
Because one of the things that we love is our people
Who worship together there under our steeple.

And some of us couldn’t get out to the store
To buy all the things that we’ve come to adore
For Easter traditions with families and treats.
Would Easter without these things seem incomplete?

But COVID cannot stop the Easter sunrise,
And despite what they say, Jesus Christ, He will rise!
COVID can’t stop it, no matter the claim
Because Easter will come, it will come just the same.

And COVID, with germ cells just itching to grow
Left some people thinking, how could it be so?
It comes without bunnies! It comes without jellies!
It comes without chocolate to put in our bellies!

It comes without egg hunts! It comes without ham!
It comes without gathering with the whole fam!
And even when we’re not together to sing
In our church building, we still remember one thing.

That Easter, we know, doesn’t come from a store,
That Easter, of course, means a little bit more.
And what happened then? Well, the people, they say,
Found new ways to celebrate on Easter Day.

They gathered on laptops, on cell phones, and such,
They heard the old story that blessed them so much.
Of Jesus who died on that cross in that place
To wash us from sin and to gift us with grace.

So we sing Alleluia from near and from far,
Knowing Jesus is with us wherever we are.
And because of His gift we have all that we need.
Christ is risen today, He is risen indeed!

(A couple of vintage Easter photos for your enjoyment.)

He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way.
He lives! He lives! Salvation to impart!
You asked me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.

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