Matthew had a check up on Monday to get ready for first grade. No immunizations necessary, just a quick check and he was good to go. I think the shots were all taken care of last year before he started kindergarten.
He enjoyed reading Highlights Magazine in the waiting room. How long have doctors had those in their offices?
He got weighed.

And measured.

He got his blood pressure checked.

And his hearing.

I tried to get a few photos while we were waiting for the doctor to come in, but of course he didn't want me to, so I had to be a little sneaky.

I took this one with the camera on my lap.

Dr. C showed him his height and weight chart on his computer.

He also checked out his reflexes before sending us on our way. Dr. C is so good with his patients, and keeps them laughing and comfortable during the exam.
Hey first grade, bring it on!!
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