Getting everything in the house.
It's looking like home! :) I went out to get some breakfast and found this at the grocery. Andrew has developed a taste for sweet tea since he's a Kentuckian now. I bet he would love John Boy and Billy's Sweet Tea. It was gooooood!
I worked in the kitchen. Shylah may not be able to find anything, but I got it all put away. Here's the before picture.
Of course, David's first priority was setting up the TV. Unfortunately, the cable company can't come until next Wednesday. How will he survive?
After a good start, we decided it was time to do some shopping. We headed to the mall so Shy and David could utilize their gift cards at Penney's.
They are quick decision makers, and selected bedding for 2 bedrooms. There were lots of pillows to choose from, but the best part is they were all "buy one get one for 88 cents." Sweet.