Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A House is a House

We woke up bright and early (well not really) to start unloading the trailer. David and Austin are ready to go.

Getting everything in the house.

It's looking like home! :)

I went out to get some breakfast and found this at the grocery. Andrew has developed a taste for sweet tea since he's a Kentuckian now. I bet he would love John Boy and Billy's Sweet Tea. It was gooooood!

Making progress.

I worked in the kitchen. Shylah may not be able to find anything, but I got it all put away. Here's the before picture.

And the after picture. Pretty good, don't you think?

Of course, David's first priority was setting up the TV. Unfortunately, the cable company can't come until next Wednesday. How will he survive?

After a good start, we decided it was time to do some shopping. We headed to the mall so Shy and David could utilize their gift cards at Penney's.

They are quick decision makers, and selected bedding for 2 bedrooms. There were lots of pillows to choose from, but the best part is they were all "buy one get one for 88 cents." Sweet.

We were in and out in 20 minutes, and headed to the U-Haul waaaay out there in the parking lot.

Next stop, the furniture store. They decided on this bedroom set. My favorite part was the two pictures above the bed, but they didn't buy those. :( They could have had "Who Dat Dreams" sleeping under those.

David and Shy with their new friend Ben, who helped with our purchases.

They decided on this sectional sofa, as well as a table and chairs.

Then it was time to load that trailer again.

I saw these cool rockers on the way out. One for David, and one for Jamalyn.

Will it all fit?
Shylah's getting weary, but still smiling.

All loaded, now it's time to decide where to eat!

Back at the house, we got everything unloaded and unpacked. It's starting to look like a home! David and Shylah worked on arranging the pillows.

Beautiful! Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Heads Carolina

On Monday, we headed east to move David and Shylah to North Carolina. Her dad, Don, her brother Austin, and I went along to help. They loaded the U-Haul in Lafayette, then came to Greensburg to drop off one car, add a mattress and box spring to the load, and get me, of course. They came with a full load, and it was a bit tricky to add the bed.

The bed of the truck was loaded as well.

I thought the logo on the side of the trailer was appropriate for David.

Unloading to make room.

Adding the bed.

And packing everything back neatly in the trailer.

Austin shuts the door.

And we're on the road!

The Capitol building in Charleston, West Virginia.

Stopping to pay a toll.

The Smoky Mountains.

We arrived around midnight. The landlords have painted and put down new carpet, and both looked very nice.

We unloaded the bed of the truck (well, I took pictures), and decided to leave the trailer unloading for morning.

Austin and Shylah checked their messages.

And we spent some time relaxing in the empty living room.

David fixed up my luxury air bed for the night, and we all settled in for a good sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Jersey Boys

My parents took the whole family to see Jersey Boys on Sunday. It was our Christmas gift, and it was definitely worth the wait! Such a fun show!

It was at the Murat Theater in Indianapolis, and it is a beautiful, old, impressive building.

This was the warning in the lobby. Hopefully, none of my children were frightened or shocked. Matthew did not go to this one... too many bad words.

We thought Haleigh would look cute in this onesie, but we didn't buy one. She doesn't cry anyway.

After the show, we walked down Mass Ave to Bazbeaux Pizza. Delicious!

Of course, they had a Jersey Boys poster in the window.

David and Shylah will be heading for North Carolina on Monday.

Andrew and Darci.

Michael (I'm not smiling) and Jenny, just back from vacay in Palm Springs.

Adam is busy.
So is Evan.
Matthew and Haleigh joined us for lunch after the show. We had an extra ticket, so Nancy G. came to the show with us too. It was fun to see her.

Matthew and his daddy kept busy waiting for the pizza.


Cheryl and Dara smilin' at Haleigh.

Jonathan (I'm not smiling) and Jennifer left from the restaurant to head down south to church camp for the week. Pray for them!

We "walked like a man" back to the car to head out in our separate directions. It was just "too good to be true" to enjoy such a great show and a fun day with the family. Sad to say goodbye, but "big girls don't cry."